Joy Challenge #3 ~ Song from Your Youth

Our joy is found only in the present, so we are going to create some joy from a past love for a twist today..

And when I say a past love, I mean a song you loved in the past.

boy tuning transistor radio

A Song From Your Youth

Identify a song that brought you joy as a kid. And then go find it. If you can, find it in the original rendition you first heard all those years ago (same artist, same album, etc).

Let it be a song you haven’t heard in who knows how long.
Let it be a song that whenever it was on the radio in the car, you yelled out to let it keep playing.
Perhaps it’s a song from a movie or from a TV show you particularly enjoyed.
Or a song that your dad used to play when he got ready in the morning,
or the song your grandmother used to hum to herself as she went about her day.
It could be any song, as long as it was one that made you smile as a child.

Then it’s time to get present with a song that delighted you as a child to see how it brings you joy now.

Plug in your headphones and turn it on with whatever source you can find it on. Hear the song with your adult ears.

The goal this week is to bring a new sense of joy to an old love of music.

Most songs are only 3-5 minutes long, so I challenge you to sit and listen without any other distractions. Just sit. Close your eyes. Focus on just the sounds coming into your ears and the how the vibrations make your body feel. And listen to your song.

What emotions does it bring up for you?
Did you find new meaning in it?
Does it make more sense now or does it confuse you even more?

A bonus challenge:

If you want, choose more than one song of your childhood to return to to re-enjoy! Maybe make yourself a playlist of your favorite tunes from your youth that you can return to anytime you like.

How this challenge went for me…

A few songs I love from my childhood that immediately came to mind include:

“Hold On” by Wilson Phillips
“Dreams to Dream” from Fievel Goes West
“Whatever You Imagine” from The Pagemaster
“Thunder Rolls” by Garth Brooks (why this was a 3-year old’s favorite song, I’ll never know!).

I loved rediscovering the harmonies in “Hold On”…
Hearing “Dreams to Dream” replays the animated sequence with Tanya from the movie. “Whatever You Imagine” is one of my favorite songs ever so it’s always been in my playlists. And “Thunder Roles” returns me to the living room in my grandparents’ house with my little black tape player.

Music carries memory and history… See where your childhood favorites return you to.

Maybe these will spark further memories of songs you love from your childhood!

Did one song in particular come to mind at reading this post?
Does it carry significant meaning or a special message that’s relevant to you now?

I’d be tickled to know if your chosen song brings a needed salve or message to you right now. If you feel like sharing, let me know which song you chose to return to in the comments below. You may remind someone of a song they loved too!

Have a blessed week!

The true joy is starting to be present to your life.
Start to notice where you can pause and enjoy the moment more.
Because when you align with your joy through all of your senses,
you become more aligned with your core, your body, and your soul.
Then it becomes easier to listen to your intuition and to let it guide your creativity.

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Photo by Victoria Borodinova on