A Call to Joy – How TIE Was Born

I want to tell you a secret…

I want to tell you how and why The Intuitive Editor was born.

Because I realize I haven’t told anyone except my coach in 2021…

Why It All Began

The Intuitive Editor was born because writing is one of the most natural things I do. It’s not something I’ve ever felt self-conscious about. And it was something I became known and recognized for. It’s been my selling point for every job I’ve held. 

I’ve always been a writer, pouring stories onto pages since I learned how to write.

And just like writing, reading fills my soul.

Both reading & writing are where my playtime, my learning, my growth, my self-reflection, and my creativity live and thrive.

I love writing in all the ways it serves me and all the ways I can create new things with just words. I can transport and change others just like what I’ve read has transported and changed me throughout my life.

From Writing to Proofreading…

From my love of writing in all the work and all the jobs I’ve done, I began to love improving writing.

Taking an article and cleaning it up. Making sure headlines and lower thirds are accurate. Proofing emails and brochures before they go out. Shiny, sparkly, and clear.

The writing jobs beautifully segued into editing and proofreading. I fell into it and fell in love. 

There’s nothing like taking a piece of writing and polishing it up so it’s free of errors and clear in its message. Scrubbing out all those errors, typos, and misused verb tenses littering the path along the way.

And I love learning about how to improve my writing and editing skills. Those two passions co-exist within me.

The more I write, the better I get.

The more I edit, the better I get at both writing and editing.

Seems like a win-win, no?

A Call to Pursue My Joy

When it became clear to me during the pandemic that I needed to be writing more, that writing calls me more than anything else I do… I found that my voice and stories needed the space, energy, and freedom to pour from me.

And the work I was doing… Needed a big adjustment to allow that. 

While I love writing in all its facets, freelance writing is actually quite draining for me. In multiple ways. Energetically and creatively.

I knew I needed to find work and build a career that wouldn’t drain my creative juices so much and also felt enjoyable because… I’m simply not available for work I don’t enjoy. I know I won’t be motivated to do it if enjoyment isn’t there, and that’s not fair to anyone.

So, I sat down and explored what work I most loved to do that didn’t suck my creative juices dry.

Enter editing…

Every single job I’ve had, I have proofread, copyedited, and edited countless files and documents. And that’s always been my favorite part of every job!

In every office, I became the go-to proofreader, earning the moniker “The Machine”  since I was so efficient and accurate in catching errors and maintaining style guides prior to print, post, or broadcast.

Even when a close friend or family member sent me something for a quick once-over, I’d get so excited that I would literally drop everything to proofread something for them to help. It became my favorite way to help loved ones. 

Serendipitously, a few years back, I was invited to join a book editing firm as a book editor and copyeditor. And honestly? That was the most excited for a job that I’ve ever been. And it’s been the best job ever—plus, I get to work with a dear friend and mentor who saw my potential. <3

What It All Boils Down To…

I love diving into something to make it better. I love correcting the errors and providing guidance for the writer to improve their work in the future. That’s ridiculously fun for me, and I can literally do it for hours without looking up. 

Sometimes it feels like alchemy… Taking something and making it shine. Spinning words and stories into gold. 

That’s it… I’m a story alchemist.

That obsession and excitement to do that kind of work was my sign—my billboard from the Universe—for what kind of work I should be doing.

Then I Started My Business!

So, now I’m here, with my own editing business. One that incorporates my core strengths: my intuition, writing, and editing prowess. It really is a perfect marriage of my skills. 

And in creating this business, my hope and dream is that my editing business will support other writers & creatives live a more balanced and creatively enriched life while polishing up their stories and increasing their potency—while also maintaining my own creative writing practice. 

Because the Universe knows this girl has piles of stories coming out of each finger tip that she wants to put to the page. (I’ve got a couple over here in the Bookshop!)

When it comes time for me to send my books out into the world, you can bet your bottom dollar that I’ll be hiring an editor or two myself.

After all, even editors need editors!

Want to Work With Me?

So, if you’re ready to step into a more divinely led creative path, putting your stories onto the page, and building a creative practice that’s in harmony with the rest of your life… I’d be tickled & honored to help you shape and polish your written works too.

Thanks for being here and hearing my story. <3

Play the Spirit Shuffle!

Did you know that each of us has a team of spirit guides working with us from the ethers? Because we do, and it’s magical.

Whether you want to choose to be aware of or meet them, they are always working with us. It helps when you actively ask for their help. They are always conspiring on your behalf for your highest and best good and the experiences and lessons you’re here to learn from.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye. shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Matthew 7:7-8, KJV The Bible

Their help may show up as thoughtful nudges, reminders, synchronicities, conversations that spark something, inspiration to watch a certain show or read a certain book, or when you think you might be picking up on another voice in your head that doesn’t quite sound like yours but maybe offers warnings or other promptings.

All those kinds of things that line up in at just the right time are often because of their involvement. 

How I met my spirit guides

I first met my guides back in 2015, and they came roaring onto the scene when I started working with my intuitive coach. My main guide came to me in my sleep in one of those “sleep paralysis” moments. Freaked me out a little bit until I heard him say, “I’m here for you!” He’s one of my main protectors, obviously.

It took some piecing together of his highly unusual name before I realized his name was one that had come to me years before during a writing project (the one I’ve been working on again lately!). I had named my beta fish in college with his name. Goes to show how it stuck with me through the years, even if I didn’t know where it came from!

Then, as if in a line, I discovered I had about 6-7 guides working with me at any given time, though four seem to be the most prominent since I’ve gotten acquainted with them. “The Core Four” as they call themselves. 

So, who are your guides?

Your guides might be people you’ve known before in previous lives. They might be beings you’ve never met before. They are spirits that have a soul contract to help you from the behind the scenes in this life for you. Odds are, you’ve been a guide for them at some point in another life.

In fact, you may have guides that show up for only certain periods of your life. Some guides are on a rotation or only come to help you during a set time in your life (teenage years, maybe?).

And yes, we are surrounded by souls and spirits at all times. Not all of them are ghosts… These particular spirits that have contracts as your guides are here to help you!

These are souls who love you unconditionally and want to protect you, guide you, and care for you from the ethers. No need to be afraid of them.

How can you connect with your spirit guides?

There are different ways you can connect with your spirit guides.

~ Meditate or do breath work before asking for their help or protection.

~ You can also simply ask, “What would you have me know? What would you have me do?” Trust the first thing that comes to you that’s peaceful and loving.

(Though some can get sassy too, depending on their character… I’ll never forget when one of them yelled, “Go get some! … Then come back!”)

~ Figure out a symbol that means something to you, and ask your guides to show it to you when you’re on the right track. This could be anything! For me, shiny face-up pennies work. Also, certain animals sometimes reflect different guides, messages, or loved ones who have passed on.

There is one particular way that is quite fun and it’s super easy to do every day as I check in with them for any guidance or pointers. 

I call it the Spirit Shuffle.

At its simplest, I call on my guides to offer insights, guidance, and anything I might need to know for the day… through song. And then I hit the shuffle button on my entire music library and see what song(s) come up. It’s often so eerie when the songs perfectly align, uplift me at a time I need it, or give me tough love.

I always love playing Spirit Shuffle with my guides, and I do it most days of the week as a regular check in with them. It’s one of the most fun ways to connect with my spirits guides. When something is fun, I’m in!

The songs that play are often are so aligned with where I’m at, and it’s great way for them to pick songs with either titles or lyrics that I most need to hear.

Pay attention if any particular lyrics stick out!

You can also learn your spirit guides individual characters in the Spirit Shuffle. One of my guides is a hopeless romantic, so I almost always know when he’s chosen the song since he’s been a recurring past life love.

Presently my guides are being cheeky and playing songs back to back that say “When we’re human (again)” and it’s hilarious!

Sometimes they just remind me that they are there for me whenever I need them, that they love me, and even that is comforting. To know that I have a spiritual team at my side always. Highly recommend!

A message from my guides to you!

So… Here’s what I’ve done for us today. I asked my guides to present me a song that can help us through the autumn, since today marks the autumnal equinox!

Here’s the song they played for me:

That’s Amore! by Dean Martin (though specifically the one from Enchanted that James Marsden sings)

What this song makes me think of are simple moments that are much bigger and brighter when they are enjoyed with love. The enjoyment of little moments. Recognizing that as the connecting piece of us all… Love. Love can be seen in the moon, in the stars, when you dance, and in practically anything if you let it.

Also, “When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore!” clearly was talking about the full moon in Pisces we just had.

So, this fall, spirit wants us to remember to find joy and love in the little things that make us smile. To return to seeing love in all things—because that’s truly what connects us all. It’s also a reminder that when we look at the world through a lens of love, everything is a little bit brighter. Seek enjoyment however you can this fall. It’s not an easy time in the world, but when we focus more on the love and enjoyment of moments, it gets easier. What you focus on expands, so focus on loving the moments in between everything else. 

What you focus on expands, so focus on loving the moments in between everything else.

I love the alignment of this message.

When I first started The Intuitive Editor, I had the inspiration to have my regular newsletter be called the Joy Challenge. It contains prompts each week to lean into and savor little moments that hopefully inspire you to bring more joy into your life. That joy, enjoyment, and love are all intertwined, and how these elements further spark your creativity and guide your intuition.

If you want in, join the list at theintuitiveeditor.com to receive these promptings and nudges to find moments to return to your joy.

If you feel inspired to play the Spirit Shuffle game with your guides, I’d love to hear how it goes!

Embrace Your Magic

Did you know the Universe is trying to communicate with you all the time? All. The. Time.

You just have to pay attention and stay curious.

While I came out of the spiritual closet a few years back, sometimes I still end up having to tell people some strange things. Or, things that I don’t think are strange, but other people may think are strange.

I’ve gotten really quite open with talking about the fact that I get messages from the Universe on a constant basis.

Seeing feathers on the street delight me. I giggle at seeing hair bands littering the ground. Getting messages and songs from my angels to know what I most need to know in the moment. The Universe tells me things. Sometimes a baby or toddler communicates with me with zero words. Dead people talk to me in my dreams (sometimes while I’m awake). This is just scraping the icing off the cake…

Specifically, I am an empathic medium (or channel) with claircognizance (clear knowing) and clairsentience (clear feeling) very much alive and working in my sphere. This means I can also tap into people’s energies and guides to see what’s going on with them, or if they have messages waiting for them in the spirit realm.

When it comes to my editing work, I get impulses about what needs to be changed for that narration to be just right. Like I can feel what the author meant but maybe couldn’t find the word or phrase for.

There have been a gamut of reactions from people, from intrigue, shock, confusion, belief, disbelief, excitement… I worry about freaking people out sometimes, but most of the time, people seem to react at least positively, if not politely or curiously. Sometimes I say something and I’m met with silence, then I move onto safer topics. Usually I can judge when someone isn’t open to hearing about my intuitive hits.

To be honest, I see this “talent” as just connecting the dots of the Universe and finding the magic in every day, in every little thing.

Some people say magic doesn’t exist, and I beg to differ. I see it every day.

I don’t expect everyone to understand; I feel lucky just to have the wonderful group of magic makers that do understand.

For me, I don’t believe in hiding who I really am. It was jarring at first, but I’ve learned that this is a huge piece of who I am. Intuitive, powerful, and magical. And I aim to bring that magic to all the work I do.

You can take me as I am, or move onto the next normal person; because I know I’m not normal, and that’s perfectly perfect.

I’m going to leave you with a message from my own guides:

Shine on.
Every little bit that makes up who you are is that way for a reason.
You’ve got something special in you.

Embrace your own magic, no matter what anyone else thinks.
Create what your soul commands you create.
Create art you love through your life.
Create the life you want, every minute of every day.
You’re worth it.