Your Creative Soul Map – Human Design Booklet


An energetic playbook to help you integrate more ease, flow, and understanding of how you naturally operate into your life and creative processes.

When you order this custom 40+ page Human Design report, you get a unique guide that illuminates:

  • how to trust your body and intuition more
  • how to align with your natural creative energy
  • how to discern what creative projects and ideas your soul and energy can get behind
  • and how to nourish and support your body to create from your most aligned self!


What does your Human Design say about you?
What stories are built into your specific BodyGraph? Let’s find out!


Your Human Design tells the story of who you naturally are—how your energy/aura works, how you best make decisions, your natural strengths, your signposts of when you’re on the right track or not, your ideal environment and eating style, and so much more.

This custom Human Design booklet dives into your energetic blueprint to show you:

  • How you naturally operate in the world
  • How to flow with your energy type
  • How to know if an idea is one worth pursuing
  • How to trust your body’s wisdom to know what’s right and wrong for you
  • A massive permission slip to BE yourself!

Doing this will allow you to tap more into your natural intuition and creativity so you can work with it, rather than against it. You’ll better understand how you’re naturally meant to operate in the world…

And odds are, you’re already living much of your design! Knowing this information will simply allow you to be that differentiated version of yourself that you might hide away or feel a way about sharing because it might go against the norm.

This personalized creative map is designed to help you align with your natural flow, so you can better trust yourself to know which creative projects your energy can get behind.



This 40+ page Human Design written analysis will outline your unique energetic blueprint for better understanding and integration into your life for more ease, flow, and a better understanding of how you naturally are. 

It will break down: 

  • Your human design energy type, strategy, not-self (sign you’re off track), and signature (sign you’re on track)
  • How to manage and support your energy best (through environment, determination/digestion, sleep, routines, etc.) – Note: This aspect needs as accurate of a birth time as possible!
  • Your authority – how your intuition speaks to you + your inner decision-maker
  • Your profile – how you naturally move in the world and the “character” you’re here to play
  • Your cognition – what I like to call your “super sense” or how you’re most perceptive
  • Your definition – how dependent you are on being around other people or by yourself when it comes to getting work done
  • Your channels – your natural strengths and how your energy naturally serves the world and people around you
  • What the defined and undefined/open centers mean in your chart for how your energy operates, where you’re most prone to conditioning (undefined/open), and which type of energies you can constantly rely on if it’s “built-in” (defined) in your chart




To order Your Creative Soul Map, include your birthdate, location, and birth time in your “order notes” on the purchase page. The more accurate the birth time, the better!


When you order your personalized HD playbook,
you’ll receive it within 5-10 business days. 


“It’s like a book for my soul!”
– Manifestor client




To include a weekly digest breaking down each aspect of your Human Design and space to ask/answer questions about your design via email, order the full HD booklet + email coaching package here



How Human Design can change your life: 

Honestly, just learning about your energy type alone could bring huge ahas and awareness for you—and that’s just the beginning.

My life was utterly transformed when I recognized I was a projector, designed to wait for the invitation (you can read more about that here). And each new element of my design after that has continued to shape me into the person I was born to be in a way that feels natural, aligned, and more me. It’s a passion of mine to remind people that they get to be wholly themselves too—and Human Design allows me to do just that.

It’s wonderful to tune into each different aspect and tell you how to optimize your energy in your life and for your creativity. To embrace more of yourself. To know that you don’t have to fit into any box that society or your family expects of you.

Because you are a wholly unique individual in this world. You’re not meant to be like anyone else. Just you.

And I want to help you discover how unique and special you are through this incredible system.

To help you find that inner permission slip that can come from the personal awareness and growth that comes from knowing your personal Human Design. To fully step into a more fully embodied version of yourself. To understand more of your story and how you can better align your story with future opportunities and relationships through knowing your unique design.

Personally, it’s been incredibly freeing, removing so much static and resistance in my life to know my Human Design—from studying and implementing my learnings in my own life and seeing my Human Design readings help my clients embrace and trust their truest selves. 

In truth, Human Design allows you to embrace your complete and total individuality. Because you came to this planet at this time to be uniquely you. And you’re here to create something that only you can make, write, or dream up.  


You’re so needed in this world, and Human Design can be the map to guide you to the truest, most authentic YOU and how to support your energy in doing just that.

I look forward to helping you uncover & unleash your Human Design so you can finally give yourself permission to be, nourish, and create from all of your unique self.

Ready to order your Creative Soul Map


Order the Creative Soul Map with email digests & coaching included!



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