Discover Your Soul Voice – HD Reading


Demystify your soul’s message and understand the core of your design with this ~10-minute Human Design audio reading! 


The Discover Your Soul Voice Human Design audio reading highlights the core pieces of your design in under 10 minutes, so you can identify how & what you’re designed to communicate and start experimenting with how your energy naturally works ASAP. 

This ~10-minute audio assessment will break down:

  • Your human design energy type, strategy, not-self (sign you’re off track), and signature (sign you’re on track)
  • Your authority – how your intuition speaks to you + your inner decision-maker
  • Your core gift/gate that you’re meant to express in the world.
  • How your throat center is designed to communicate & share your message with the world

You get an audio file with your customized reading that you can keep and listen to whenever you need a reminder of your gifts and how you’re designed to communicate!


Your Human Design tells the story of who you naturally are—how your energy/aura works, how you best make decisions, your natural strengths, your signposts of when you’re on the right track or not, your ideal environment and eating style, and so much more.

What does your Human Design say about you?

What stories are built into your specific BodyGraph?

Let’s find out…

  • How you naturally operate in the world
  • How to flow with your energy type
  • How to know if an idea is one worth pursuing
  • How to trust your body’s wisdom to know what’s right and wrong for you
  • A massive permission slip to BE yourself!

Doing this will allow you to tap more into your natural intuition and creativity so you can work with it, rather than against it. You’ll better understand how you’re naturally meant to operate in the world…

Human Design is meant to help you align with your natural flow so you can always trust yourself to know what creative projects are the ones your soul and energy can get behind.

And odds are, you’re already living much of your design! Knowing this information will simply allow you to be that differentiated version of yourself that you might hide away or feel a way about sharing because it might go against the norm.




To Discover Your Soul Voice with this Human Design reading, please include your birthdate, location, and birth time in your “order notes” on the purchase page.


“It’s like a book for my soul!” – Manifestor client


Just what is Human Design?

The moment you were born, a stream of particles encoded a blueprint of your human contract for this life based on the date, time, place, and body you were born into. This blueprint contains the truth of how you naturally are in the world… from how your particular aura operates, to your most powerful strengths and talents, from your day-to-day traits to your life purpose, and so much more (the stars are the limit).

It’s all encoded into your Human Design, and it’s in your Human Design birth chart that you can fully unlock your maximum potential, trust your body’s wisdom, and live your life with more ease, flow, and alignment.

Called the Science of Differentiation, Human Design is a multi-layered approach to personal development and understanding that incorporates both hard science and metaphysical sciences, such as the Chakra system, Astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, biochemistry, and quantum physics, to create your Human Design chart–otherwise known as a BodyGraph–based on the exact time and place you were born.

As you break free of conditioning from family and society and return to the core of how you naturally operate, you become a more realized and differentiated You. Because you are unique.

And it’s all laid out in your Human Design BodyGraph.

And it’d be my honor to help you unlock your next level of potential by introducing you to your Human Design BodyGraph so you can tap into your body’s natural wisdom and work with your aura and energy type to make your life and creativity flow much easier for you.  


I look forward to helping you uncover your human design so you can finally have that permission slip to finally be yourself—all of your unique self.

Why book a human design reading with me?

I have many reasons for this, but here’s my main one: I’m obsessed with Human Design, I can’t stop learning about it and sharing about it, and I’m obsessed with showing people who they naturally are so they can BE who they naturally are with more confidence. That’s what I’m here for.

Here’s more background on my know-how with human design… First, I learned about human design in 2015 and began seriously studying in 2016. And from there, I fell into the rabbit hole. I got the “bible” of human design, I followed the human design experts that I connected with on social media and YouTube, I read up on everything I could get my fingers on online, and quietly, I began experimenting and incorporating my design into my daily life—which is half of the learning about human design in all honesty… Seeing how everything fits together and seeing how things unfold more naturally when you are working in alignment with your design.

From there, I couldn’t stop seeing human design in the people I know. I couldn’t help but notice my partner’s emotional wave, the unique aura of the manifestors I met, guessing what profile lines or defined/undefined centers someone might have… and I began intuiting what other people’s charts might read before their charts were even drawn up.

As I learned more and more about human design, I could use it to explain people’s patterns and behaviors and offer help as I could how it could be applicable and practical to trust themselves more. I’ve been doing this for the last few years, just pulling up friends’ charts as I explain how excited I am about this methodology of understanding how truly unique we all are.

Eventually, my friends and family said “You need to be doing this. It feels like you’re called to do this.

As a projector, I saw that as an invitation—so here I am! Offering professional human design readings, where I pull up your chart based on your exact birth time and place, and offer both written analyses and verbal sessions to help you understand yourself better…

To help you unleash your whole self as you discover more. Helping you to understand your story, how your aura works, and how you can move through life with more grace and ease along with the special way you make decisions… I love it all!

Not only that, but I continue to LOVE learning about human design. As I’ve said before, human design is a multi-layered science, with so many degrees and aspects that could be interpreted in your birth chart. There’s a lot.

That being said, there are foundational elements that everyone can immediately use in their lives for more ease, alignment, and flow—your energy type, strategy, and authority (which you can discover for free with any HD chart generator). 

From there, more layers and elements of your energetic blueprint can be super helpful in guiding you to support your energy even better. You can keep diving and diving, learning and learning, so I love that I can continue to learn as I read different people’s charts. The exploration of this system fascinates me to no end, and I love being able to say I learned something new from a chart or from another human design coach/reader that I can then talk about with people.

It’s a constant exploration—I’m not going to pretend I know everything.

I know a lot, to be sure, certainly enough to inform people about their different design aspects to a really impactful degree (or so I’m told). I will always be learning more to enrich my readings and human design knowledge.

For me in particular, as a human design reader, I love seeing how the energy centers work and communicate with each other through channels and gates. I love diving into how the centers process energy for each unique individual, and uncovering if there’s any possible conditioning there that might need to be brought awareness to (in order to decondition and break through). I also love seeing how the different energy types work together in relationships and how the different energy centers can impact someone else’s energy centers. It’s all fascinating!

I also consider myself an intuitive reader, so out of nowhere I might just start riffing on what I see in people’s charts, whether written or spoken. So you may get other nuggets and gems just from my intuitive knowing (which is my core strength outlined in my own chart) combined with my human design know-how… It’s like a double whammy channeled message just for you based on your design and what I personally, intuitively feel from you.

It’s wonderful to tune into each different aspect and tell you how to optimize that energy for yourself. To embrace more of yourself. To know that you don’t have to fit into any box that society or your family expects of you.

Because you are a wholly unique individual in this world. You’re not meant to be like anyone else. Just you.

And I want to help you discover how unique you are. To help you find that inner permission slip that can come from the personal awareness and growth that can come from knowing your personal human design. To fully step into a more fully embodied version of yourself. To understand more of your story and how you can better align your story with future opportunities and relationships through knowing your design.

That’s what brings me joy. And it’d be my honor to help you. <3



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