Watch Your Breath to Boost Creativity & Heighten Your Intuition

woman sitting on brown stone near green leaf trees at daytime

When it comes to enhancing your creativity or intuition—because the two work together synergistically—you don’t need elaborate rituals or fancy tools to tune into these natural abilities you have available to you.

Here’s all I want you to do to boost your creativity… Simply watch your breath.

Sounds silly or too simple, right?

Watch your breath. It’s such a natural body behavior that often we don’t stop to think about how we are breathing.

Did you know that your breath indicates what’s happening in your body?

When your breath is deep and flowing naturally, do you think your creativity and intuition might flow more easily to you? It most certainly does!

When we are stressed or scared, how we breathe directly reflects that—by showing up as rapid, shallow, or inconsistent—and also reinforces those feelings.

So, this practical action step is to stop and observe how you are breathing—to see how the flow of energy is coming to and through you.

So, I challenge you to set a reminder on your phone every 3-4 hours to check on the state of your breath. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly.

Silently observe and notice how each breath feels as it enters your nose or mouth, how it travels down your throat and into your chest and lungs, and how your body opens up to receive that life-giving oxygen. Feel every step of your breath through your body. How does it feel for you at that very moment?

And assess… How is your breathing?

  • Where does your breath go: into your belly, expanding your chest, or raising your shoulders?
  • Are you restricting your breath somewhere—not breathing as deeply or in short bursts?
  • Does your body feel stiff? Are you holding your belly in?
  • Do you find yourself actually holding your breath sometimes? I have!

Then, take a few deep breaths until your body relaxes into its natural breathing rhythm again.

Air, just like creativity and intuition, is energy. And it’s abundant and available to you.

Everything is energy. How you let it flow into you will directly reflect how you breathe. So, pay attention.

Return to your breath as often as you can. Simply bringing awareness to your breathing can help you develop more of an awareness of how your body feels throughout the day, how your intuition is speaking to you, and how your creativity wants to move through you.

When you remember to focus on the breath, you focus on the energy flow in and out of your body.

Now, imagine when you breathe in, you breathe in creativity and intuitive connection to the greater divine.

And that’s when your abilities open up more… Give this exercise a try and see how it opens up your capacity for creativity and intuition.


If you like this exercise, I have a gift for you! Get your free guidebook of 9 Ways to Romance Your Creative Muse here to amplify your self-care routines to court your creative muse into working with you more consistently.

Self-Care Practice: A Walking Meditation

Did you know that movement can also be meditative? If trying to sit down to quiet your mind for meditation is difficult for you, this is one meditative practice I love to return to.

woman walking in forest

Take a mindful walk.

Plan it in your calendar for at least 10-15 minutes a day (up to an hour if you feel like it!).
No distractions, no earphones. Be fully present to the nature around you.

Begin walking slowly and intentionally, breathing in your natural rhythm.

Feel every step you take, how your feet hit the pavement or ground. Feel every sensation in your body, from the inside out to your skin. Connect with your inner self with each sensation that you feel.

Without losing that connection to your inner presence, start to stretch your awareness to your surroundings: what do you hear, smell, and see? Observe with no attachment.

If you get lost in thoughts, simply bring yourself back to your experience–the sensations, sights, sounds, and the feeling of your inner being within you enjoying the walk that you’re on.

Afterward, if you feel so inclined, journal out your experience and see what pours from you.

This is a time to return to your senses, clear your mind, and ground yourself into your body and spirit. This will help to keep you present while also treating your body to some conscientious movement. Good for mind, body, and spirit and for fueling your intuition and creativity as well.

This is here for you whenever you need it. Take care of you.

This is an excerpt from The Intuitive Creativity Forecast, a weekly email subscription that offers cosmic and energetic guidance for the week, including an intuitive pulse for the week, a peek at the astrological atmosphere, and ways to spark your creativity and intuition, and more. It’s a suggested $8/month exchange to keep the magic of the Forecast supported (about $2/email!). Sign up for the weekly Forecast today!