Book Editing Submission

Interested in having The Intuitive Editor help you with your book?

Filling out this form is step one!

Help us get to know you and your book so we can determine how/if TIE can best serve you
and help your book reach its highest potential.

Month/Date/Year. This could include when you hope to have it edited by or your anticipated publication date.
Tell me in a few sentences what your book is about.
Tell me about the person you imagine will read this book. Who did you write this book for? What feelings do you want your reader to have? What journey do you want them to take? What do you want them to learn?
This could be writers you read a lot or authors whose prose you particularly connect with or feel inspired by.
Are you a panster or a plotter? Do you create/follow an outline or do you write without plot points to guide you? Do you write daily or weekly? Sequentially or non-sequentially? Large chunks of time or in corners where you can find the time? Whatever your process, we’d like to know to discern where your strengths & style are!
Explore book editing services here, if you’re unsure.
Have you done rounds of self-editing, or have you hired or had other people help you with edits (i.e.: beta readers, manuscript assessment, etc.)?
Yes, I’d like to know this too. 🙂
About you, your book, your goals, etc.
Put your code for specials, discounts, or the name of the person who referred you.